2025 Leader Training
PARENTS: Would you like to volunteer some time to help with the Whistling Bullets 4-H Club? The club can always use the help of additional leaders. Becoming a certified 4-H Shooting Sports leader is as simple as spending a weekend at one of the 4 weekend trainings offered across Colorado in 2025. You don’t need to know anything about shooting sports to get started, just talk with one of the 4-H Leaders or stop by the CSU Extension Office.
- March 7-9, Morgan County – (Rifle, Pistol, Archery, Shotgun)
- March 14-16, Weld County – (Rifle, Pistol, Archery, Shotgun)
- March 21-23, Pueblo County – (Rifle, Pistol, Archery, Shotgun, Muzzleloader)
- March 28-30, Garfield County – (Rifle, Pistol, Archery, Shotgun, Muzzleloader, Hunting & Outdoor Skills, Western Heritage)
Also, if you would like to help out with 4-H whistling Bullets but are not ready to take the training class we can still use help in other areas.
For more information on these leader training’s; go to: http://www.colorado4h.org/ss/
For any leader that attends a leader training; we will cover your registration cost, mileage to/from the training, lodging and cost of meals. I encourage you to consider attending a training and becoming certified in a discipline you have not completed. As well, please encourage other 4-H Shooting Sport’s parents that you may know to consider becoming certified.